Every day, we are getting closer and closer to winter, meaning it is time to winterize your home. Here in Utah, that means we’re looking at below freezing temperatures and snowstorms galore. And while snow is fun on Christmas morning, snow and cold temperatures can cause many different problems for homeowners in Utah. That is why we at Premier UT Real Estate have cultivated a list of several ways that you can winterize your home in Utah, that will ensure that your home is properly prepared for the winter season. Continue reading to learn more about how you can winterize your home today.
Winterize Your Home
Prepare Your Pipes
The first thing that you need to take care of when you winterize your home is your pipes. Your pipes are responsible for carrying the water in and out of your home. Water is incredibly important not only for drinking purposes, but also for personal hygiene, washing clothing, and cleaning.
In the winter, it is important to insulate your pipes in order to make sure that the water inside of them doesn’t freeze. If it freezes, it could lead to some serious issues, including burst pipes and inability to get access to water. In addition to insulating, you may also want to consider running warm water through your pipes occasionally so that you can avoid frozen standing water inside the pipes.
Get Your Heating System Checked
One of the worst things that can happen during the winter is for your heating system to break down. Going a few days without heating can be very uncomfortable and/or dangerous depending on the conditions. That is why you should make sure to get your furnace checked out BEFORE winter arrives. That way, you’ll be able to enjoy the winter season from inside your warm, cozy home.
Clean Out Your Gutters
Another important part of home maintenance for the winter season is making sure that your gutters are adequately cleared out. Leaves, sticks, nests, and other debris can get stuck in your gutters throughout the summer and fall. This becomes a problem in the winter because the water that runs off of your roof has nowhere to go, meaning that it will pool on the edge of your roof. These pools on your roof may get frozen over, becoming ice dams. Ice dams are dangerous because they trap liquid up against your home, potentially causing extreme water damage. To avoid this issue, make sure that your gutters are well cleaned out in the fall.
Prevent Ice
Preventing ice on your property is an essential part of winterizing your home. Ice can make your home a dangerous place to visit. Icicles that develop on your home’s siding and gutters can be a hazardous thing for individuals walking beneath them. Ice on your sidewalks and driveways are a lawsuit waiting to happen. By putting down salt and knocking down icicles as you see them, you will make your home a much safer place to be.
Reach Out For Home Building Services
If you are living in Utah and are looking to upgrade to your dream home, consider reaching out to us at Premier UT Real Estate. We offer many different services that are aimed to help people find the home of their dreams. Our team can help you find a home that will not only protect you from the harsh elements of the winter, but will also fulfill every desire that you have for a home. For more information about our services or to get in touch with our real estate agents, feel free to reach out to us at Premier UT Real Estate today!
For more home preparation tips for winter read here!
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