The right maintenance for your home will go a long way toward preventing issues to your property. Providing summer home maintenance can help to keep your home at a comfortable temperature, despite the summer heat. This maintenance can also help to keep your building cleaner throughout the summer. Here are some of the important summer home maintenance tasks to improve the condition of your property.
Replace or Clean your Window Screens
Many people find that the population of bugs outside increases a significant amount in the summer months. This means that the summer is a great time to ensure that your window screens remain in the best possible condition. Take the time to clean them thoroughly to eliminate grime and debris from them. This will also help you to detect small tears in the window screens. Having them repaired or replaced will help to ensure a far more comfortable environment inside of your property.
Wash your Windows

It is important to regularly wash the windows of your home. When you fail to do so, they will accumulate grime that will diminish the appearance of your home. When you wash your windows as part of your summer home maintenance, you will be able to ensure that your home looks much better. It is important to keep in mind that due to summer temperatures, it is often most beneficial to wash your windows early in the morning. During the midday temperatures, it is likely that your cleaning solution will evaporate before you are able to thoroughly clean the window. This leaves streaks that can damage the appearance of your building. When you wash your windows, you can provide a far improved appearance to your property.
Exterior Paint Job or Touch Ups
The warmer temperatures are often the ideal time to obtain a new paint job for the exterior of your home. A simple paint job can provide an immediate makeover for your home. Not only does this improve the appearance of the property, but it also helps to increase the value of the property. A touch up, as well as a new paint job, can significantly increase the total curb appeal of your building and property. This is a great step to take in the summer months.
Clean or Replace A/C Filter
The first time you turn on your air conditioner, you will likely find that the filter has accumulated dust. This will allow this dusty air to circulate throughout your building. Before you turn on the air conditioner, you will want to change out your filter or ensure that it is clean. This will help to improve the overall quality of the air inside of your building. Your air filter is an important component of protecting your air conditioner and the air quality inside of your home.
Clean out the Gutter System
Your gutter system is an incredibly important component of protecting your house. It helps to ensure that water from rain and other sources can be redirected away from the foundation of your property. When you don’t clean your gutter system on a regular basis, it is likely that it will develop clogs, which will stop it from functioning as it is supposed to. This can lead to a substantial amount of water damage to your property. When you take the steps to clean out your gutter system, you will be able to remove the debris and ensure that it is still in good repair. This will help you to provide any necessary repairs to protect your property.
Clean Outside of your Property
You are more likely to spend time outside during the summer months than other times of the year. You may even host gatherings outside of your home during this time. Taking some time to clean up the exterior of your home will go a long way toward keeping your property much more comfortable. This can also improve the environment outside of your home. You will want to take extra care with cleaning the walkways, patio, and driveway of your property.
Check your Furnace’s Filter
Along with the filter of the air conditioner, the filter of the furnace also needs to be replaced on a regular basis. Doing so helps to improve the efficiency of your furnace, as well as prevents issues from occurring. When you change your furnace’s filter along with your air conditioners filter, you will be able to ensure that it is changed on a regular basis as it is supposed to be.
Check the Detectors of your Building
Your various detectors are supposed to improve the safety of your home. When you are conducting your summer home maintenance, it will be important to ensure that these detectors are still in good condition. Make sure that your carbon monoxide detectors and smoke detectors are still working. You should also have the batteries replaced in order to keep them functioning as intended.
Inspect the Hoses and Plumbing of your Property
You likely haven’t used your hoses much since the end of winter. Before you start to put them into use again, you will want to carefully inspect them for leaks and other damage. They may need to be replaced in order to ensure that they efficiently work and prevent leakage. You will also want to inspect the various plumbing systems of your home. This can help to prevent water damage from occurring to your property, which can be incredibly difficult to repair.
Consider your Watering Schedule
A watering schedule is an important part of keeping your lawn healthy, despite the hot summer temperatures. You will want to learn the watering regulations in your area to ensure that you are complying with them. Deciding on a specific schedule will help you to ensure that you provide your lawn with the appropriate watering services that it needs.
Remove Dust
When you start to use your air conditioner, it is likely that dust will circulate through your home. Removing dust from throughout your property will help to prevent this from happening. This is important in maintaining high-quality air throughout your building.
Our experienced team at Premier Utah Real Estate is passionate about ensuring that you obtain a home that meets all of your needs. The right summer home maintenance helps to keep your home in good condition throughout the year. To learn more about keeping your home in good condition at Premier Utah Real Estate, contact us today!
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